Starting a “No Buy” January!

I’ve lived a minimalist life for over 10 years.

Over the years I’ve had ups and downs in my minimalist journey. I’ve absorbed the stories and experiences of other minimalists in that time, and still do as I feel I am always learning.

One thing I still struggle with is buying things and shopping. I certainly don’t buy as much as I used to. But if I have even a slight hint to question my shopping habits it’s time to try something new!

”No Buy” Challenge

You may be familiar with the challenge of a “no buy” or “low buy” month or year. If not, it’s a chosen period of time when you only buy the essentials you need like gas, housing, food, and consumables (like toothpaste or toilet paper).

“No Buy” is typically the more restrictive challenge. “Low Buy” encourages setting a small budget to buy a few things during the time you choose.

All the best advice for either challenge is to make a list of what’s allowed to purchase, and a general list of what isn’t. This helps to establish some boundaries for yourself to be successful!

My “No Buy” January

I’m choosing to do a “No Buy” this January and if I’m successful I may continue another month (or switch to a “low buy” method.

During this time I’m allowing myself the basics:

  • Housing expenses
  • Gas
  • Food
  • Dining out (we don’t eat out but once or twice a month anyway)
  • Repairs or replacements (if anything breaks and it’s essential)
  • Experiences (travel, cultural events)

What’s not allowed for me:

  • Music, movies, or magazines
  • Video games
  • Electronics
  • Clothes or shoes
  • Books

I’m not going to lie, this will be a real challenge for me. I also acknowledge that some people do not have a choice to buy less due to their income, and that this is reality (I very much lived that experience myself for about five years).

I feel this is a great opportunity to retrain my brain to use the things I have, and not seek dopamine hits through shopping and buying. I’m even going to avoid thrift stores (as there aren’t any items on my list there anyway).

I’ll spend my time meditating more, focusing on exercise, experiences, and other activities that can provide enrichment or growth in my life. And as my month comes to a close, I may choose to keep many of the habits I’ve learned!

Have you tried a “no” or “low buy” month or year? How did it work for you? Let me know in the comments.

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